In Case You Missed It...
Surprisingly, 8% of American would like to spend more time doing this. What is this?
The longest one of these is 5 feet and 8 inches long. What is it?
In a recent survey, only 14% of senior citizens would ever do THIS. What is THIS?
This has changed colors, at least, four times in history. What is it?
44% of people say they would give up social media for a month if they could avoid this. What is this?
Nearly half of all men .. but only 10% of women have done this in their lifetime. What is it?
Been in a band
Half of us will not travel without doing THIS. What is THIS?
Bringing our pillow
13% of people say they always do this while watching TV.
85% of people say they do THIS more today than they did five years ago. What is THIS?
This reportedly happens to most people in their 50’s. What is it?
Nearly 60% of people say they would do this for their pet, if they could. What is THIS?
Nearly 25% of Americans do not plan on doing THIS in 2023. What is it?
Q: Citizens of Washington state are the most confident about THIS. What is THIS?
Americans say having two of these is not enough. What is it?
About 20% of married people in America spent money this week on this week without telling their spouse?
Lottery tix
Nearly 75% of young adults say THIS has gotten way too expensive. What is it?
Nearly 40% of parents say they are not planning to spend money on THIS .. this year. What is THIS?
This year we celebrate the 61st anniversary of THIS. What is THIS?
A survey found you’re more likely to do THIS by the age of 31. What is THIS?
There are more than 500 types of these in the world. What are they?
This has only happened 3 times in the history of the United States. What is it?
This is a federal crime punishable up to a year in prison. What is it?
A new study found that 25% of 40-year olds have never done THIS. What is THIS?
18% of people think they’re GREAT at THIS. What is THIS?
40% of people say they eat this when they are angry?
Ice Cream
If you do THIS .. you’re more likely to have a longer, happier relationship. What is it?
It might be hard to believe, but nearly 25% of adults admit they do THIS every night. What is THIS?
More than 80% of people say doing THIS puts them in a better mood. What is it?
52% of people say THIS gives them a negative shopping experience. What is THIS?
Three out of four people surveyed say they would like to do this every week. What is it?
More than 60% of people polled would like to see THIS make a comeback. What is THIS?
Nearly 35% of people would not wear a shirt with THIS on it. What is THIS?
A picture of their own face
9% of restaurants in America have this in common?
They are Mexican restaurants
A recent survey named Band Aid as America's most trusted brand. What was #2?
The answer is 644. What is the question?
The average person does this four times a year online. What is it?
Self-diagnosis health problems online.
When this household item was invented, it was rejected around the world because it was considered to be excessive and too feminine.
A new study determined that THIS is probably dirtier than your toilet. What is THIS?
Only 2 out of 10 men under the age of 45 do THIS every day. What is it?
A psychologist says doing THIS for 12 minutes a day will reduce stress in your life. What is it?
In a new survey, a majority of workers say they would stay with a company longer if it offered THIS.
Pet benefits
The answer is 644. What is the question?
The first one of these first appeared in the U.S. in 1950. What is it?
10% of renters admit to doing THIS. What is THIS?
Millions of Americans have a picture of one of these on their phone?
A rainbow
This happens to people more in March and August than any other time of year?
Getting a divorce
Tragically, this happens almost 25 times a year. What is it?
A third of people under the age of 40 say this is one of the hardest parts of growing up (being an adult).
Planning meals every day
Nearly 20% of people surveyed say they spent $309 doing this last year. What is it?
For the 1st time in nearly a century, this has decreased in America. What is it?
The average person says they need three of these. What are they?
The record for THIS is 11. What is THIS?
New research says this is true for nearly 10% of senior citizens in the U.S.
Over the last 25 years, this has increased by almost 400%. What is it?
On average, this gets replaced every year-and-a-half. What is it?
Currency (a dollar bill)
Nearly one in five people have a favorite one of these. What’s the answer?
A pen
On average, it takes less than 5 seconds to do THIS. What is it?
A new study found that doing THIS once a day will make you happier. What is it?
Only about 10% pf people who play this instrument, actually took lessons. Name the instrument...
One in 5 couples do THIS every night...what is THIS?
Sleep in separate rooms
According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, it’s bad etiquette to do THIS. What is THIS?
In sports... this happened for the first time in 1984. What is it?
30% of people have seen THIS happen at a Super Bowl Party. What is THIS?
This is actually LEGAL to do in Central Park. What is it?
35% of adults say thier parents still pay at least one of their bills. What are the top two?
Groceries and Rent
For the average American...THIS happens twice a month. What is THIS?
1 in 3 Americans have one of these...what is it?
The average adult has not done this in OVER 2 years...?
Nearly 45% of adults do THIS nearly every night. What is THIS?
On average 3,000 people go to the ER from injuries due to THIS. What is THIS?
On average, THIS now costs $130 a month. What is it?
The chance of this happening to you is down 50% since 2019 . What is it?
Millennials are more likely to do THIS than any other generation. What is THIS?
15% of Americans have complete trust in this...
Tarot Cards
If you're average, you spend 34 hours of your life doing this?
Untangling Christmas lights
3% of us do THIS on Christmas Day...?
Put up Christmas Lights
What are 15% of moms are hoping to get for Christmas this year?
Lottery tickets
90% of men say they hate to hear this 4-word phrase the most...
We need to talk.
12% of people CLAIM they have never done THIS...
Googled themselves.
45% of people say doing THIS is considered rude. What is it?
Leaving a New Years Eve party before midnight
The average length of time for this is 36 hours...what is it?
How long a dirty dish sits in the sink
This happens every year by about 2PM on December 26th...what is it?
People are sick of their families